Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Review-Reconnected: A spiritual awaking memoir


Reconnected: A spiritual awakening memoir by Christine Hoeflich chronicles her journey to find her inner happiness. Just like most of us; She followed what she thought was expected, what she thought she wanted out of life, and fought against her inner voice and signs around her. The only thing this brought was a temporary satisfaction that would leave her feeling empty and cause conflict in her everyday life. Eventually, she hit a low point in her life were all of this was threatening to destroy everything she held dear in life. It was at this low point that she was asked to join a soul recognition workshop that could be the miracle she needed to save her. As she was about to find out though the workshop, even though it provide some answers, was only the beginning of her journey. Christine now knows what her inner being is telling her but she still has many obstacles to overcome before she can accomplish her life's purpose. Once Ms. Hoeflich learns how to get in touch with her inner being she starts receiving insights from everything around her to help overcome her obstacles.

There are so many aspects I like about this book. The way she gleams insight out of an event or something someone says to her. One example was when she saw a nut fall from the sky and a friend told her about how birds will drop nuts to crack them. That one simple talk started her thinking and gleam some more insight in how we all connected to the universe. Then there is the way that just about everything around her start inspiring new ideas for her writing,

One of the things I don't like about this book is how ms. Hoeflich allows self-doubt creep in even though she has made great strides in her work. I can't blame her though since it is part of the way we are conditioned all are lives.

I would highly recommend this book for everyone. Most of us just stumble through life and can get plenty out of this book to inspire us to get in touch with our own inner beings. Even if you are one of the rare people that have found your life path it is still a good way to keep you focused.

I would give this book a 4 out of 4 stars

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