Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Four steps you should take to Winterize your garden

It has been a plenty of work but a productive year in the garden. We started in early Spring months with weeding, adding nutrients, and aerating garden. Then we planned out what to grow and purchase all of the plants and seeds. Finally, it was time to plot out where every would go and get it planted.
In the later Spring months and throughout the Summer there was plenty of weeding, water, fertilizing, and pruning. In the early Fall months we were finally to benefit from all of that hard work as harvest time came around. Now that most (if not all) of the plants are dead and Winter is approaching there is still plenty of work to be done be the frost comes:
  1. Getting rid of all the dead plants, weeds, and other debris will both reduce our preparation work next Spring and help keep down the spread of fungal diseases caused by decaying plant matter.
  2. Dig up and re-pot all of your perennials to store them for the Winter. Remember to keep them moist during storage.
  3. Once you cleaned up the garden, add some fertilizer, mulch, and/or compost to replenish the nutrients in the soil, and turn it all into the garden.
  4. Cover the garden with landscape cloth, plastic, or paper to keep down weed growth.