Friday, July 1, 2016

Technology blogs for women by women

For his second install of his articles celebrating national blog posting month Jeff will focus on technology blogs for women by women. The world of technology has traditionally been male dominated and all the ads, tutorials, reviews and news has always reflected that almost ignoring the woman's point of view. With women now gaining ground by holding more technology jobs and buying more gadgets the woman's point-of-view is more important than ever.
The following is a list of Jeff's top blogs to follow:
  1. LadyGeek is contributed to by a staff of 5 talented women (Belinda Parmar, Lucie Sarif, Sabina Bhanndari, Joana Pereira and Caroline Hooper) and 2 talent men (Daniel Barlev and James Baker) that are out to make the world of technology more women friendly with their campaign against “pink it & shrink it”, interviews and tips from women in business and issue that concern women.
  2. The hacker chick is a great blog written by Abby Fichtner , a software developer, that talks about agile computing, programming, business and social media.
  3. Do it myself is a wonderful blog by Glenda Watson Hyatt, who has cerebral palsy, that deals with accessibility issue on the web, tech events, speeches she has made, new technologies to assist those with special needs and entrepreneurship.
  4. Apophenia is a blog by Danah Boyd that deals with privacy issues, trends in technology and other issue that concern women and young people.
  5. Geeky Gadget Girl is a blog by Jessica P. Wallin that is dedicated technologies and gadget reviews for women.
  6. Savvy Chick is a blog dedicated to technologies & gadgets for women. As they say on the blog though they don't limit their reviews to the pink gadgets directed at girls but all the cool stuff out there.
  7. Eileen's social technology is a blog written by Eileen Brown discussing with women, business and the role that social media plays in bring the two together.

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