At the Gates of Walhalla by Justen
Forge is a gripping thriller that will keep you hooked through all
319 pages. The story revolves around fictional border enforcement
officer Kurt Sorensen. The veteran agent loses his beloved wife and
twin boys in a vicious attack and soon leaves the wild
Mexican-American border and head north back to his hometown. He joins
the border agency at the Canadian border in the little town of north
Walhalla. He goes along his job of apprehending contraband before it
can get into Canada. His job soon get more complicated then he ever
dreamed when he finds out a secret that could prove deadly if he
isn't careful. He devises a plan to fight the new enemy and recruits
some of his co-workers and citizens of Walhalla as warriors in the
fight. The 'sons of Thor' as Kurt and his group are know wage their
own war even though the stakes are high and they may not survive.
Mr. Forge does a marvelous job of
making the characters and surrounds so vivid that you are drawn into
the story. You can actually picture yourself in the crop duster as
Steve, one of Kurt's co-workers and a 'son of Thor', as he takes to
the air. In other parts of the book you can easily find yourself with
the group as they search through vehicles looking for drugs. In
another part the description is so vivid you can actually see the
tattoo that every member of the 'sons of Thor' wear on their neck.
I would recommend this book to anyone
that enjoys action, the struggling the underdog and a little blood
mixed into the storyline.
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