Monday, October 14, 2013

Review: Dark Biology

Dark Biology by Bonnie Doran is a romantic, suspenseful and out this world science fiction novel that will keep the reader well engaged from beginning to end. In its page you will follow the adventures of the Hildebrant family from rival siblings Hilde and Chet as they try to one up each other in their work for the CDC to their parents Worth and Laura as they tour the country giving lectures. Just like a dramatic cliffhanger each chapter takes you right to the edge and compels you to read the next chapter to find out what will happen next. It is long before the first breath taking events happens when one of Hilde's co-workers has a problem with her protective gear. The problem is soon rectified and the co-worker is fine. That is only a small taste of the thrills that are to come later.
Ms. Doran gives us a fine supporting cast of characters that most of can identify with as people that we have meet in our lives. There is Dan , a born leader that is always ready and will to face new challenges with one exception of making a long-term emotional commitment to the woman he loves. There is Larry, the commander that is willing to put to sacrifice himself for those under his command. Jasper, the person that is always making jokes and finding the bright spot in any situation no matter how bleak. Frank, the person that always tries to prove himself but things don't always go as planned.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone that loves science fiction and/or suspense. The people fitting into either of these categories will be captivated with all the action that takes us from the lab of the CDC to the international space station.

The iPhone 5s has 'blue screen of death' issue

The iPhone 5s has 'blue screen of death' issue

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The United States military wants to bring super armor to real life

For generations fictional literature has had suits to give ordinary people special abilities. There were the underwater suits in 20,000 leagues under the sea, the super armor from Starship Trooper and the super suit that gave Tony Stark super abilities in Iron Man. Some of these like the underwater suit have eventually become real-life items. Soon the United States military could bring the super armor into reality. The suit, will be called Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit or TALOS for short, will provide the soldier wearing it to have super human strength, the ability to impervious to most gun fire and act as a portable tactical computer that would keep the soldier connect to headquarters through a wide area network or WAN.
"I'm very committed to this, I'd like that last operator that we lost to be the last operator we lose in this fight or the fight of the future, and I think we can get there," said U.S. Special Operations Command chief Admiral William McRaven to industry representatives gathered at Special Operations Center of Command (SOCOM) headquarters in Tampa Florida In July, according to Foreign Policy.
The U.S. Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command (RDECOM) is currently looking into finding a contractor that can bring together the resources needed to develop all the technologies needed to create the TALOS. Considering all the aspects required for the TALOS it will take combined resources across universities, government labs and the private sector. Bring all of these different sources together will make this one of the single biggest operations since DARPA and others created the Internet in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
The decision comes down to outfitting several soldiers quickly, Tinsley said. "SOCOM will try and adopt some of the more realistic things first, like integrating power supplies into the suit to reduce the need of mobile batteries," he said. "Some of the more futuristic things may be pushed off to the side."
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