Sunday, February 3, 2013

Review: Steel's Edge by Ilona Andrews

The husband and wife team of Gordon and Ilona Andrews saved the best for last with their thrilling forth and final book in their urban fantasy Edge series. As with the previous three books; On the Edge, Bayou Moon and Fate's Edge; Steel's Edge gives us well developed characters, plenty of action and romance. 

In Steel's Edge that focus falls on Richard Mar, the eldest Mar brother, as he battles the group of slave traders operating out of the Weird. Early on in the story Richard fall's prey to a trap where he is nearly killed by some of the slavers that he has been hunting. Through his superb swordsmanship he manages to escape and is brought to a magical healer, Charlotte De Ney, that later teams up with him to continue the hunt. As a team Richard and Charlotte make a formidable pair and get closer to the heart of the slave trade. As they get closer to the center of the trade operation the stakes get higher and threaten to push our two heroes past the limits of their combined powers.

A few areas that Ilona and Gordon do well in their books that keep them at the top of the list of fan favorites is that they don't try to make their characters come across as perfect. They show their flaws and overcome them to do what needs to be done. It makes it easier for the reader to relate and feel as though they want to get to know more about these characters. They make the dialogue between the characters believable as the way that any of us would with our friends. 

If you can say that there is one drawback to this book, as can be said for most of their novels, is that it leaves you wanting to know more about what happens to some of the characters we can come to know. A good example is wanting to know what is in store for those two lovable rascals George and Jack. Though it also leaves us room to imagine what we hope happens to them in the future.

I think that anyone that loves fantasy, romance, action, fiction or mysteries would love this novel as well as the rest of the Edge series by the husband and wife team. 

The Ngorongoro Crater

When planning a vacation to view natural wonders going to Africa is usually not at the top of destinations. One of the reasons is that the Ngorongoro Crater in Africa doesn't get the write ups that are given to the Grand Canyon, the Yellow Stone or some of the other great natural landscapes around the world. The Ngorongoro crater has just as much or more to offer at a sight seeing sight as any of the other natural wonders.
The Ngorongoro Crater was created between 2 million and 3 million years ago when a volcano collapsed on to itself creating the crater that covers 260 square kilometers (100 square miles), 610 meters (2000 feet) deep and 12 miles across. If seeing the majesty of the Ngorongoro Crater isn't enough then perhaps the beauty of the plush forest, sweeping grasslands and abundance of wildlife should make your trip worth while.
Once you fly into into Tanzania and go to the Ngorongoro Crater you are probably wondering what can I do now? You can take one of the several safari trips that are available so that you can get in the sights and sounds of not only the Ngorongoro Crater but also the rest of the majestic Serengeti Desert. Once you book one of the Ngorongoro Crater safaris you will either soar over the Ngorongoro Crater and surrounding Serengeti or ride along with guides as they take you through the Ngorongoro Crater in 4x4's. Whether you take a plane ride or get chauffeured around in a 4x4 you will see such sights as Pink Flamingo in their natural habit as they wade in the waters Lake Manyara, the rare tree climbing Lion, the great migration of Wildebeest and Zebra or many of the other animals that live in the Ngorongoro Crater and surrounding Serengeti Desert.
You now have your destination and what you will do while on your vacation. You still need accommodations while you on your vacation. There are several places that you can stay with in the Ngorongoro Conservation area. One of the place you might choose is the Ngorongoro Serena Safari Lodge that is located right on the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater and will give you a specular view Serengeti. Imagine staying somewhere that you can dine outside and see wild Zebra grazing just feet away.
Once you finish your Ngorongoro Crater vacation think of all the memories, pictures and video that you will have from your adventures. You will be regaling your friends and family with so many stories they will be thinking about planning their own trip and see all of the sites that you have described with such excitement in your voice. They will be thrilled as you talk with such fascination about seeing Lions, Cape Buffalo, African Elephants, Leopards and Rhinoceros as they roam the vast plains of the Serengeti.
The Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania might not be on anyone's initial list of vacation spots. If the above description sounds good to you then maybe it is a trip that you should put at the top of your list of destinations.